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Tracks and Topics

Track 1: Data Science
and Big Data


  • Data Mining

  • Data Science and Big Data Trends

  • Big Data Analytics and Metrics

  • Visualization Analytics for Big Data

Track 2: Information Technology Management

  • Information Systems

  • E-Commerce

  • IT Management and Security

  • Intelligent Systems

  • Modeling and Simulation, Image Processing

Track 3: Green Engineering Technology & Smart IoT/Security/ Applications

  • Biomass Conversion

  • Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

  • Environmental Assessment and Modeling

  • Water and Waste Management

  • Green Materials

  • Education in Green Engineering and IoT

  • Biomedical engineering

  • Signal Processing

  • Smart Applications

  • Networking, Security and Technologies

Track 4: Biotechnology for Sustainable Development

  • Natural Products

  • Microbiology

  • Molecular Biology

  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem

  • Biochemistry

  • Food Safety and Security

  • Clinical bioinformatics

Important Dates

Event Date: 12th October 2022

Presenter Registration And

Abstract Submission Deadline:

16th September 2022 

Participant Registration Deadline: 

19th September 2022


©2022 by UTAR STEM 2022.

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